2009年 5月 8日

Today the Wall Street Journal published an article noting that President Obama has requested an additional $300,000,000 in funding for the US FDA, from $2.06 billion to $2.35 billion. That's a 14% increase.  If the funding is approved by Congress, the agency will likely hire more inspectors which will lead to more frequent visits from the FDA to medical device manufacturers.

The WSJ article quotes: "The FDA's budget has shrunk or been held flat since the mid 1990s. Mr. Hubbard (with the FDA) said this increase, along with an increase of about $172 million from the previous year, will help the agency hire more inspectors, more scientists...  The budget would bring the FDA's staffing back to the same levels it had in 1994, the year before the agency's budget began falling and getting held back."  Read the full article.